Grinders Cup Tournament Rules... Remember that triple bogie is your friend... Pickup all triple bogies and move to the next hole.
(Rounds 1 and 2) 2 Man Shamble >>> Both members of a team tee off on every hole including par 3s and the best tee shot is selected to complete the hole from. Both players move to their selected tee shot location and from this point the hole is played out at stroke play. Each player on the team plays his own ball until completing the hole, then the lower of the two scores is recorded as the team score for that hole. The team with the better score wins the hole. Should the two teams tie for best score, the hole is halved.
(Round 3) 2 Man Best Ball >>> Each player on the team plays his own ball until completing the hole, then the lower of the two scores is recorded as the team score for that hole. The team with the better score wins the hole. Should the two teams tie for best score, the hole is halved.
(Round 4) Singles Match >>> Singles is a match in which one player competes against another player. A player wins the match when he is up by more holes than there are holes remaining to play. Players will play their ball as it lies with no mulligans.
Overall Points Breakdown >>> (Each Match is Worth 4 Points)
Grinders ($60 Buy In ) $2460 Total Cash Collected and Paid Out - Each Point is Worth $10, (2) Closest To the Pin prizes per round located on the first 2 par 3s each tournament day worth $50 each.
Round 1 >>> 44 Points
Round 2 >>> 44 Points
Round 3 >>> 44 Points
Round 4 >>> 80 Points (Individual Match Play Doubles Grinder Points Total)
TOTAL 212 points 107 Team Points to Win.
USGA Rules Are in Effect... Grinder's Cup rules Override U.S.G.A. rules:
"Triple" is the "MAX" score taken (max 6 on par 3s, max 7 on par 4s, max 8 on par 5s) on any hole. Golfers will putt, chip or take a full shot for a "Double Bogey" and pick up all "Triple Bogie" attempts.
If you and your opponent are both putting for a "Double Bogey" on a par 3, par 4 or par 5, putt for the win... if both players or teams miss the putt the hole is tied with a "Triple Bogey"... pickup and advance.
If you are putting for a double bogie and your opponent has already picked up for a gimmy "Triple Bogey"... attempt to make your double bogie for the win.... if you miss the hole is tied.
If your opponent is in the cup with a better score than you or your team can possibly make on that hole... pickup and advance to the next hole.
"ALL" hazards both red and yellow, wood lines and out of bounds will play as lateral hazards (drop point is approximate point of entry plus 2 club lengths) with a 1 stroke penalty or as far back as you care to go on your line of entry.
EXAMPLE: 1 (Grinders Cup Tournament Rule) >>> In Hazard 1, Proper Drop 2, Hitting 3. You may also draw an imaginary line from your tee box to your point of entry into a red/yellow hazard or OB line and come back on that line as far as your desire and drop. The one stroke penalty still applies.